Our Strategy


Mubadala is a responsible long-term investor.

Mubadala’s mandate is to generate sustainable long-term returns within acceptable risk parameters to our Shareholder while delivering positive impact on current and future generations.

Mubadala’s investment strategy is designed to build a resilient portfolio, well-diversified across asset classes and geographies. Our portfolio construction aims to maximize returns over the long term, while being aligned with our responsible investing beliefs and our convictions around secular trends shaping the future of the world:

  • Demographic and social changes – Global population undergoing structural changes in age, societal norms, preferences and priorities
  • Emerging wealth and shifting economic power – Middle class expanding at the fastest pace in the next decade, led by growth in Asia
  • Centrality of ESG and climate change - Environment, social and governance considerations being central to investment decision making, in a world seeking more ethical capitalism and less strain on the planet’s climate and finite resources
  • Innovation and technological adoption – Accelerated adoption of technology, increased internet connectivity, expanded use of data and artificial intelligence
  • New and smart infrastructure – Population growth and migration leading to rapid urban growth and the emergence of new cities

Mubadala maintains a balanced portfolio as well as prudent through-the-cycle capital deployment, underpinned by disciplined diligence and fundamental underwriting.


Our investment approach focuses on private markets and is anchored around:

  • Active selection of themes, sectors and geographies: underpinned by our institutional convictions that these should generate higher longer-term returns
  • Active selection of right companies and/or investment partners: with best-in-class management teams, top-quartile partners or fund managers, and active risk management
  • Disciplined diligence and fundamental underwriting: consistent with our financial objectives, regulatory compliance, ESG framework and our values and beliefs
  • Engaged steward and shareholder where applicable: as we seek to add value to our portfolio companies across various stages of growth
  • Ability to hold for the long term if required and monetize at the appropriate time


As a convictions-based, forward-leaning and responsible investor, Mubadala continuously endeavors to:

  • Reaffirm our high-conviction investment themes driven by secular and long-lasting growth trends
  • Focus on preserving and creating value in our portfolio companies and supporting them in their growth trajectories
  • Deepen relationships, while creating new ones, with institutions that share similar values and beliefs as we expand into different markets
  • Deliver tangible positive impact to the environment, societies and our various stakeholders in the UAE and abroad